Monday, March 5, 2007

School value:Freedom

Freedom Is Never Free

They tell me'Freedom is never free.'I know that-More than most realize.

Freedom cost us more
Than we should have to give.
Freedom cost us blood.I
t cost us the lives Of our fathers, Our sons, Our brothers.
But while freedom is never free,
Remember-It has been bought at great price,
And so is a thing of great value.
We must defend it,
From those who would take it away.
The defense of our freedoms
Will cost us-More than we wish to pay.
But we must pay, to defend,
For if we try to make freedom free,
We forget-True freedom is never free.
It means that i will value group interest over self-interest,have the right to ask others to maintain ou school value and image,understand that hile i have the freedom of speech,i will not use it to hurt others and will not destroy public property as others have the freedom.
School value:Gracious and healthy lifestyle
It means that i will eat balance meals,exercise regular and develop healthy coping skill'speak eloquenty and politely,treat my peers,teachers and school leader with respect and consideration and will adopt a positive attitude towards life
School value:Maximising potential:
Creative is the mind.
Imagine painting a picture, when you’ve never held a paint brush.
Imagine writing a book, when you’ve never before touched a pencil
.Creative is the mind
.The Mind that put you where you are, created every living organism enveloping you.
Creative is the mind…put to use.
Every being has the same potential.
Creative IS the mind.
There truly are no CAN NOTsin life.If you see it, it CAN be done.
i will set high goals and work hard to achieve them,i wil motivate myself and make maximum use of my abilities.make learning a life-lond ahbit and give my very best in all academic and co-curricular activities

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

School Value:Justice
When justice stands stillonly the fool hearted, will contemplate pursuing even the most just of
causes, when justice stands still, the brave only will seek retribution for sins committed against them and their kinsman, can any gleamse of sovereignty exist where justice takes a tea break, and when justice decides to stan stillwill any sanity prevail, where justice once stood still, can any unity ever be restored
once upon a time the jews were slandered and abusedbut they had the courage to stand up and refuse, when justice stands still, the supposed saviours become the enslavers, who then will stand up to refuse for the peoplewhen justice stands still, the law makers become peace detractors, creating laws meant not to ensure harmony, but to bring woo to the masses, when justice stands still, they will seek to devour, those they once vowed to protect, justice stands still, the eleventh plague, not just a biblical fantasy, but a present reality
Justice means that we must stand up for what is right,treat everyone fairly and not do something for the benifit for ourself.

Monday, February 26, 2007

School Value:Truth
I seek the truth in youThe weak lie is not you
So speak up, yes youThe truth hurts but it works
The truth simplifies and dignifies
The truth sooths preserving your youthI ask the truth of you
Cry now, take a tissue
So speak up, yes you
The truth signifies and modifies
The truth is within and the best way to begin
The truth is a good start especially for sweethearts I need the truth of you
Simply choose your venue
So speak up, yes you
The truth to any degreeIs a starting point to be freeJust like one and two make three
So speak up, yes you
If you agree
truth is to able to know your mistakes when you are wrong, and to be able to admit to you mistakes.i will not cheat of copy in test.

Monday, February 12, 2007

God-fearing means that we must love and respect God,respect our parents,

teachers and school leaders and up hold our school rules.We must remember to trust in God in no matter what we do as he will always be looking after us and we must remember to love him no matter what

Monday, February 5, 2007

School value:Intergrity
A while back, there was a story about Reuben Gonzolas, who was in the final match of his first professional racquetball tournament. He was playing the perennial champion for his first shot at a victory on the pro circuit. At match point in the fifth and final game, Gonzolas made a super "kill shot" into the front corner to win the tournament. The referee called it good, and one of the linemen confirmed the shot was a winner.
But after a moment's hesitation, Gonzolas turned and declared that his shot had skipped into the wall, hitting the floor first. As a result, the serve went to his opponent, who went on to win the match.
Reuben Gonzolas walked off the court; everyone was stunned. The next issue of a leading racquetball magazine featured Gonzolas on its cover. The lead editorial searched and questioned for an explanation for the first ever occurrence on the professional racquetball circuit. Who could ever imagine it in any sport or endeavor? Here was a player with everything officially in his favor, with victory in his grasp, who disqualifies himself at match point and loses.
When asked why he did it, Gonzolas replied, "It was the only thing I could do to maintain my integrity."

Integrity means that we must be responsible for all our actions,do what is right even though no one is looking,don't steal or take things that aren't mine so on and so forth.Everyone must have integrity, be it young or old. If we do not have integrity if not people will look down well thats what we think anyway but in all integrity is one important value we MUST HAVE REMEMBER THAT!!!!!!!!
Here's our first post it is about the school value LOVE
Here is a reflection about love:

Love can be the sound of a cool ocean breeze,

Whistling softly along the shoreline of the seas,
Love can be the humming of the birds high up in the sky,
Their rhythmic voices alive with joy as each day passes by.
Love can be the shining of a million stars at night,
Twinkling brightly as they cast their eternal light,
Love can be the warmth of a candle forever aglow,
Illuminating the darkest of rooms as it flickers slowly to and fro.
Love can be the delicate falling of wintry snow,
Glistening in beauty as it trickles to the ground below,
Love can be the sprinkling of rain upon the rooftop,
A gentle pitter-patter heard with every drop.
Love can be the vastness of the open countryside,
Sweeping majestically across valleys far and wide,
Love can be the blooming of flowers in the fields,
Alive with a sense of joy that never yields.
Love can be the rhythm of a beautiful melody,
Creating a unique yet effervescent remedy,
Love can be the chorus of a thousand voices singing as one,
Chanting words of perpetual harmony until their song is sung.
Love can be the ultimate dream for every tender soul,
As they wander through pastures green, seeking romance as their goal,
Love can be somewhere distant, yet somewhere nearby,
But love will always live in the heart, never to die.

Love means that we must show care and corncern for others, be compassionate and sensitive to the feelings of also means that we must cherish our family and ourself.