Monday, March 5, 2007

School value:Freedom

Freedom Is Never Free

They tell me'Freedom is never free.'I know that-More than most realize.

Freedom cost us more
Than we should have to give.
Freedom cost us blood.I
t cost us the lives Of our fathers, Our sons, Our brothers.
But while freedom is never free,
Remember-It has been bought at great price,
And so is a thing of great value.
We must defend it,
From those who would take it away.
The defense of our freedoms
Will cost us-More than we wish to pay.
But we must pay, to defend,
For if we try to make freedom free,
We forget-True freedom is never free.
It means that i will value group interest over self-interest,have the right to ask others to maintain ou school value and image,understand that hile i have the freedom of speech,i will not use it to hurt others and will not destroy public property as others have the freedom.
School value:Gracious and healthy lifestyle
It means that i will eat balance meals,exercise regular and develop healthy coping skill'speak eloquenty and politely,treat my peers,teachers and school leader with respect and consideration and will adopt a positive attitude towards life
School value:Maximising potential:
Creative is the mind.
Imagine painting a picture, when you’ve never held a paint brush.
Imagine writing a book, when you’ve never before touched a pencil
.Creative is the mind
.The Mind that put you where you are, created every living organism enveloping you.
Creative is the mind…put to use.
Every being has the same potential.
Creative IS the mind.
There truly are no CAN NOTsin life.If you see it, it CAN be done.
i will set high goals and work hard to achieve them,i wil motivate myself and make maximum use of my abilities.make learning a life-lond ahbit and give my very best in all academic and co-curricular activities